Anesthesia for Dentistry
Dr Johnson provides sedation and general anesthesia exclusively for patients undergoing all dental procedures. The added benefit of having a Dentist anesthesiologists perform your anesthesia is that he/she is very familiar with the procedures being performed and provides a tailored anesthesia plan to fit the needs of the patient and the procedure being performed by your dentist or surgeon.
Anesthesia can range from sedation to general anesthesia and the desired service is provided based on the needs of the patient,type and length of procedure being performed among another things

Moderate Sedation
Under this level of anesthesia, patients are in a drug induced state of depressed consciousness during the procedure. You are ofenn easily arousable to commands and some tactile sensations. In most cases, memory of the procedure is limited and there is a sense that time passes quickly. This form of anesthesia not appropriate for all patients or dental procedures. However can be very effective once deemed appropriate.

Deep Sedation
Under this level of anesthesia, the patient is in a drug-induced state of depression and consciousness and is not easily arousable. This requires careful monitoring to ensure that the patient is at an appropriate level of anesthesia for the procedure being performed. This type of sedation is useful and very effective for certain types of procedures where moderate sedation is insufficient but general anesthesia is not necessary. Your anesthesiologist will discuss the anesthetic plan before hand and answer any questions you may have.

General Anesthesia
This is a state of unconsciousness where there is no movement, memory while the procedure is performed. More extensive monitoring including, oxygen saturation, end tidal carbon dioxide, heart rate and rhythm and blood pressure are necessary to ensure safety and comfort. The Dentist anesthesiologist is trained extensively to competently manage a patient that is under general anesthesia and to safely arouse them after treatment is completed.
Although extremely rare, emergencies can occur but your anesthesiologist is competent to intervene and manage any emergency that may occur and take all necessary action to ensure the patient is stabilized. You the patient play an important role in assisting that some of these emergencies do not occur by giving accurate health information and following all preoperative instructions.